Dining Set Blue Onion 27pcs. - Český porcelán

Brand Český porcelán
availability Skladem
Your price 699.14 EUR
Dining Set Blue Onion 27pcs.
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  • Dining set onion original 27 pcs.

    This set is suitable for use in a dishwasher and microwave oven.

    Dining set includes:
    soup bowl 2l.,
    6pcs plate shallow 24cm.,
    6pcs plate deep 24cm.,
    6pcs dessert plate 19cm.,
    Sauce boat with stand 0,55l.,
    round bowl shallow 30cm.,
    oval bowl 36cm., salt shaker,
    round bowl 25cm.,
    salad bowl square 24cm.

    The producer is Czech Porcelain Dubí, which has the position of the original bulb manufacturer in our country. This orogonal dining set is not only a porcelain for decoration, it is a very practical dining set. It is perfectly suitable for daily household use. The shapes are absolutely sophisticated, it is quite evident on the shapes of plates, which are the most perfect in our country. Dishes can be used regularly in the dishwasher. In the event of an accident, individual pieces can be refilled.


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